Answered By: Hu Womack
Last Updated: Aug 05, 2020     Views: 24

Course Reserves at ZSR Library will be different for Fall 2020. It is critical you do not rely on access to physical Course Reserves for Fall 2020. Here is the information you need to know.


  • Items on physical reserves will be subject to a 72-hour quarantine between uses, which will severely impede your students' access to materials. This quarantine will apply to books and DVDs, and is based on an IMLS study that determined COVID can live on book pages for up to 3 days.

  • Media viewing stations in ZSR will be inaccessible and most students do not have access to a DVD player or drive. Equipment checkout will be available but is limited.

  • If you are teaching blended or online, it is probable that you will have students in your class who are not in Winston-Salem. Any required course materials on physical reserves will not be accessible to them and ZSR will not be able to digitize materials for them.

  • It is possible the University will have to shift to fully remote at some point in the semester, making physical reserves inaccessible. At the very least, we will shift at Thanksgiving break and physical reserves will no longer be accessible for the final week of classes or during exams.

  • Copyright does not permit us to digitize all physical reserves in the event of a shift to fully remote. We were able to digitize some during the emergency shift in March, but we will not be able to do the same if we shift this Fall -- and that includes if the shift to fully remote happens before classes start.

  • ZSR does not have funds to acquire digital versions of physical reserves requests or to pay copyright permission fees as we usually do. Like everyone else on campus, we do not yet have a FY21 budget.

Here are suggestions for alternatives to physical reserves.

ZSR is committed to doing what we can to accommodate your Course Reserves requests. Help us better help you by seeking alternatives to physical reserves!

e-Course Reserves will continue to work as they have in the past: 

  1. Sign in to Course Reserves (password required) and select the course to which you would like to add items.
  2. On the right, select ‘Add Reserve Items’.
  3. Select the item format and follow the instructions.
  4. For detailed instructions, see the Accessing, Navigating, and Adding to Course Reserves at ZSR on the ZSR YouTube channel. 

If you have any questions, you can contact the circulation desk at or call (336) 758-4931.

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